First Class Design for Protection of the Environment

Rameshni & Associates Technology & Engineering (RATE) offers Licensing technologies in sulphur technologies and tail gas treating for upstream, to midstream and downstream with full performance guarantees. RATE offers valid patented technologies that are grantedto RATE by USA Patents and Trade Mark Office.
The SO2 reduction can be implemented incremental at each facility over the years to reduce the SO2 emission to less than 10 ppmv
- Natural Draft Incineration
- Forced Draft, thermal Incinerators with or without WHB heat recovery with air
- Forced Draft, thermal Incinerators with WHB heat recovery with 100% oxygen
- Forced Draft, thermal Incinerators with or without WHB heat recovery with Vector wall for fuel optimization
- Forced Draft, Catalytic Incinerators with or without WHB heat recovery
- Forced Draft, Catalytic Incinerators with caustic scrubbing system
- Forced Draft Incineration with Staged Ultra Low NOx burners
- Thermal or catalytic Incineration with caustic scrubbing or SETR Technology
- Incineration with CO control, Low NOx, Ultra low NOx, Staged NOx Burners
- Ammonia Burning Special Incineration with Staged NOx Burners and quenching
- RATE-Caustic Scrubber, after TGTU, SMAX, SMAXB, SuperSulf and before stack
- SETR – Super Enhanced Tail Gas Recovery, after TGTU, SMAX, SMAXB, SuperSulf and before stack